FOLD - Fear Of Looking Dumb

Most years since my late teenage years I had the same simple new year’s resolution: Care less what others think of me.

I still work on that same goal a decade (or two) later, but have luckily gotten a bit better along the way. I have also found a different perspective to it: decreasing FOLD (Fear Of Looking Dumb).

If you have a question in mind, just ask. Doesn't matter if others think its stupid. Also just admit that you "don’t know" more often. Don’t pretend or put up an act just to fit in. Be true and honest.

Some will laugh. Some will judge. But the relationships you truly value over time will only strengthen. It's also just a more fun way to live life.

I notice that I act naturally like this with close friends, but it takes more time to get to this level with new acquaintances. But that's just on me to change.

As The Grug Brained Developer says: be strong! no FOLD!

The concept of "FOLD" was something I first read about on

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