Share your work
I saw this tweet the other day, and it resonated with me.
It hits me at the right moment, because I both try to convince myself that this blog has a reason to live, and at the same time try to convince myself to take my work less "seriously", and enjoy the process more.
I've been locked in a "never good enough" state all my life, and finally I think I'm old enough to let go of other peoples expectations and just roll with how things are.
share your work
— daryl ginn (@darylginn) September 4, 2023
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
share your work
It doesn't even have to be prosess / work, but it can also just be thoughts and unsorted ideas / inspirations.
Another big inspiration on that hand is Chris Coyier. He has always been a great inspiration when it comes to honestly sharing his work. I keep going back to his blog, because so much of the writing he does resonate with me. Not long ago he also made a convincing argument about using a blog as the "ultimate long term storage of ideas, bookmarks, tools and inspiration. I really like that idea.
I've been here many times before, and I might well not be able to follow through on this, but here's to trying!